Terms and Conditions

1. Agreement:

By engaging with our wedding and event sales agency in Scotland, you are entering into a binding agreement with us. These terms and conditions outline the terms of this agreement.

2. Services:

Our agency provides sales and commission packages to venues in Scotland. We will actively promote and market the venue to potential clients in order to generate sales. The commission structure will be agreed upon beforehand and will be based on the value of the bookings made through our agency.

3. Venue Representation:

The venue agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date information about their facilities, services, and pricing to our agency. Any changes or updates to this information should be promptly communicated to us.

4. Commission Payment:

Commission payments will be made by the venue to our agency based on the agreed-upon commission structure. Payments should be made within the specified timeframe outlined in the agreement. Late payments may incur additional charges or penalties.

5. Exclusivity:

During the term of the agreement, the venue agrees to exclusively use our agency for sales and commission services. The venue shall not engage in similar services with any other agency or party without prior written consent.

6. Confidentiality:

Both parties agree to treat any confidential information shared during the course of this agreement with confidentiality. This includes but is not limited to client information, pricing structures, and sales strategies.

7. Termination:

Either party has the right to terminate this agreement by providing written notice to the other party. Termination will be effective upon receipt of the notice. Any outstanding commission payments or obligations will still be due and payable.

8. Limitation of Liability:

Our agency shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or liability arising from the services provided, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

9. Governing Law:

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Scotland. Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be resolved through negotiation and, if necessary, through the appropriate courts of Scotland.

By engaging with our agency, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.